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Trump là thiên tài ư? Thiên tài gì mà bị lỗ gần 1 tỉ USD chỉ trong 1 năm ?

Subject: ***_Trump_là_thiên_tài_ư_?_Thiên_ tài_gì_mà_làm_lỗ 1_tỉ_USD_1_năm_?
From: Mike Wilson
Date: Tue, October 04, 2016 8:35 am

Trong năm 1995 Donald Trump khai lỗ gần 1 tỉ USD cho các thương vụ bất động sản và casino !

Đây là một lỗ hổng của luật bất động sản (BĐS), nó cho phép chủ nhân khai lỗ toàn bộ trị giá BĐS, kể cả tiền vay nhà băng để mua BĐS, mặc dù tiền vốn bỏ ra của chủ nhân chỉ bằng 1% của giá mua !

(thuật ngữ BĐS gọi là "leverage", dùng đòn bẩy, mà người mình gọi nôm na là "mượn đầu heo nấu cháo"!)

Như vậy số tiền khai lỗ của Donald Trump là một hình thức khai man hợp pháp, khai gian hợp pháp !

Tính hợp pháp của chiêu trò này là do Quốc Hội ăn tiền xin-cho (lobby) của các doanh nghiệp để làm luật sao cho có lợi cho doanh nghiệp trốn thuế !!!

Nhờ lỗ hổng khai thuế này mà Donald Trump đã khai lỗ khổng lồ (gian trá đúng luật), khiến y không phải đóng thuế thu nhập cá nhân trong 18 năm !

Trump chữa thẹn bằng cách ngụy biện rằng y là người hiểu luật thuế giỏi nhất, và do đó y có thể cải cách luật thuế tốt nhất !

Cũng tựa như một tên chuyên ăn trộm, dụ dỗ chủ nhà giao nhà cho y giữ nhà giùm, vì không có ai giỏi ăn trộm khoáy đồ bằng y ! :))

Khi các tay bợ háng Trump để theo đóm ăn tàn, (Chris Christie sắp hết thời, và Rudolph Giulani đã hết thời) ... tâng bốc hành vi của Trump là "thiên tài" thì chúng bị bà Clinton hỏi móc họng , "thiên tài gì mà bị lỗ gần 1 tỉ USD chỉ trong 1 năm ?"

Bà Clinton còn đưa ra các đề xuất cụ thể về cải cách thuế :

1. Các TGĐ công ty phải đóng thuế thu nhập không dưới mức đóng thuế của thư ký của họ !

2. Các doanh nghiệp nào di dời bản doanh ra nước ngoài để trốn thuế, đều phải bồi hoàn số thuế mà họ đã trốn tránh

3. Làm luật khiến người tiêu thụ khởi tố dễ dàng hơn, những công ty nào đã lừa đảo họ.

4. Tạo ra chức vụ Công Tố Viên để truy tố những sai trái trong các hiệp ước thương mại . Bà Clinton chống hiệp ước TPP vì nó thiên vị các chủ doanh nghiệp và làm công nhân (Mỹ) thất thế .

5. Tăng lương tối thiểu cho công nhân, đảm bảo quyền lập công đoàn của công nhân, và cho phép công nhân được nghỉ bệnh vẫn ăn lương !


Hillary Clinton: "What kind of genius loses $1 billion in a year?"
Kathleen Gray, Detroit Free Press

TOLEDO — With half an indictment of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, and half a treatise on her plan for the economy, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton came to Ohio on Monday to try to level a race in the battleground state that has been shifting toward her competitor.

Speaking to a crowd of 1,200 people that filled a train station in downtown Toledo, Clinton said she’s the person who has the interests of all Americans at heart.

“In the debate (Trump) said it was smart to avoid paying taxes. His campaign was bragging that it makes him a genius. But what kind of genius loses $1 billion in a single year?” Clinton said.

By declaring a $916-million loss on his 1995 taxes, the New York Times reported on Saturday, Trump could avoid paying federal income taxes for 18 years.

“In a category by himself is Donald Trump. You can look at fourty years of my tax returns. We need a law that if you become the nominee of a major party, you need to release your tax returns,”
she said.

“He was contributing nothing to our economy (he's just a real estate speculator. nth-fl), nothing for Pell grants, nothing for veterans, nothing for the military,” she added. “Trump represents the same rigged system that he claims he’s going to change. ... Trump was taking from America with both hands and leaving the rest of us with the bill.”

With the latest revelations about Trump’s finances, Clinton then pivoted to her plan for the economy, which she also outlined in a speech in Warren in August and details on her website.

It includes:

The Buffett rule, which says CEOs have to pay their fair share of taxes and that no CEO should pay less in taxes than his or her secretary.
Closing corporate loopholes and requiring that corporations that move their business overseas would have to pay back any tax breaks they received in the U.S.
Expanding the Consumer Protection Finance Board and making it easier for customers to sue companies that scam them, like the recent case of Wells Fargo, which created thousands of phony accounts to artificially boost its sales numbers.
Creating the position of a trade prosecutor to make sure the country’s trade agreements are strictly enforced. She also said she would oppose the Trans Pacific Partnership now, after the election and when she becomes president because it favors corporations over employees.
Raising the minimum wage, ensuring employees’ right to organize and providing paid sick leave. “Right to work is not right for workers,” she said.
“You don’t have to look any further than northwest Ohio. In 2009, you were in the eye of the storm. The auto industry was on the verge of collapse, a lot of people were ready to give up and that would have meant giving up on 850,000 workers across this state,” she said. “(At) the time of the worst (of the) financial crisis in 2009, (Trump) would have let you twist and fall. (by just speculating on undervalued real estates - which did not help any worker. nth-fl)”

She gave a shout-out to Chrysler as a company that should be rewarded when it invests in the U.S.
“Now the industry is back on its feet. The auto industry has a responsibility to give back. Chrysler is doubling down in Toledo, investing $700 million here to start building the next generation of the Jeep Wrangler,” she said, adding that not only will that help employ more people in Ohio, but eventually will boost profit-sharing checks for autoworkers.

The speech in Toledo was her first stop in the state where the polls have shown Trump leading by 1 to 5 percentage points since early September. Ohio is a state that President Barack Obama won in both 2008 and 2012.

Part of Clinton’s task in Ohio was to energize supporters of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and help them make the transition to support her. She got some converts on Monday.

U.S. Rep. Marcy Kaptur, D-Toledo, endorsed Sanders for president during the primary election season. But on Monday she was fully behind Clinton, saying that Clinton will be a champion for the Great Lakes.
“She has the breadth of experience to put forward on her very first day on the job,” she said. “And we also know her resolve, because no matter what has happened in her life, what gets thrown in her way, she just keeps chugging along.”

Greg Shubeta, 48, a small business owner from Toledo, wasn’t happy with the record of trade deals signed by former President Bill Clinton and supported Sanders during the presidential primary.
“I really wanted Bernie, but he didn’t make it, so she was my second choice,” he said. “And now she’s telling us that she’s against the TPP and I needed to hear that from her.”

Crystal Gillaspy, 37, of Toledo has been with Clinton dating back to her first run for president in 2008.
“She speaks to me and the issues that are important to me,” she said. “She’s always been with me, so I’m going to be with her.”

Meanwhile, Trump was campaigning in Colorado on Monday after a trip to Michigan on Friday where he attended fund-raisers in Grand Rapids and Detroit and spoke at a rally in Novi.