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Paul Ryan, chủ tịch Hạ viện, ăn nói lạng quạng,

Subject: *** thằng Paul Ryan, chủ_tịch Hạ_viện, ăn_nói lạng_quạng, bị dân chửi!
From: Mike Wilson
Date: Mon, February 05, 2018 12:25 pm

thằng Paul Ryan, chủ tịch Hạ viện, ăn nói lạng quạng, bằng câu Tweet ti toe như vầy:

"có một bà thư ký trường trung học nói rằng do luật thuế mới, mỗi tuần ba ấy lĩnh lương dư ra 1 đô rưỡi !"

người dân nói rằng số tiền nhỏ nhoi như vậy chả thấm vào đâu so với hàng chục ngàn, hàng trăm ngàn đô la dư ra mỗi năm cho mỗi người dân nhà giàu.

Họ còn nói rằng số tiền nhỏ nhoi đó, sau 8 năm sẽ hết, và người dân sẽ phải đóng thuế cao hơn! Quốc dân sẽ phải gánh thêm 1 ngàn 500 tỉ đô la nợ công.

Và nếu đảng Cộng Hòa tăng thuế tiêu thụ đánh vào xăng ô tô chẳng hạn (để gây quĩ sửa sang cầu đường, xây tường chắn ngang Mexico) thì 1,50 đô ấy sẽ "toi" trong chớp mắt !!!

Họ không quên nhắc cho nhau nhớ: bọn Cộng Hòa nóng vội thông qua luật thuế cho nhanh, trong vòng 2 , 3 ngày, có những chỗ không kịp đánh máy giữ nguyên chữ viết tay của bọn "xin cho" (lobbyists) không chờ kết toán của Phòng Ngân Sách Quốc Hội, không cho đảng Dân Chủ bàn cãi, đến nỗi chỉ vài ngày sau, nhà nước cạn tiền, phải đóng cửa 3 ngày, rồi 2 tuần sau lại cạn tiền nữa, phải làm luật tăng trần nợ công !!!

có người còn nói mỉa sâu cay hơn:
"với 1 đô rưỡi một tuần, thì tôi sẽ phải làm việc 3 tuần mới gom đủ 4 đô rưỡi để mua được 1 bịch 4 cuộn giấy chùi đít !"

thằng Paul Ryan quê quá, ê mặt quá, đã phải gỡ bỏ câu Tweet mị dân ngu xuẩn ấy !!


Paul Ryan Trashed for Tweet That Suggested $1.50 Per Week Pay Hike Is a Success of Tax Bill

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan was hammered on social media Saturday when he cited a high school secretary’s $1....

Paul Ryan: Secretary Getting $1.50 More A Week Shows Effect Of GOP Tax Cuts
HuffPost Daniel Marans,HuffPos

House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) really wants you to know how great the Republican tax cuts are.

Worried that the partisan Nunes memo released Friday will undermine the FBI’s ability to do its job? Ryan is happy to remind you, ”The tax cuts are working.”

On Saturday, Ryan outdid himself again with a tweet bragging about the extra $1.50 a week that a Pennsylvania secretary is making thanks to the GOP legislation.

“A secretary at a public high school in Lancaster, PA, said she was pleasantly surprised her pay went up $1.50 a week ... she said [that] will more than cover her Costco membership for the year,” Ryan tweeted on Saturday.

The tweet refers to an anecdote about the secretary, Julia Ketchum, in an Associated Press article.

A dollar and 50 cents a week amounts to $78 a year. Although every little bit counts for Americans living paycheck to paycheck, an extra $78 a year is a very small amount of money by any standard.

The tweet predictably drew mockery, and Ryan deleted it Saturday afternoon.

To be fair, the $1.50 figure likely reflects Ketchum’s reduced tax withholding in her paycheck due to lower tax rates. As a result of increases in deductions, including a doubling of the standard deduction, she may also get more money back after filing her 2018 taxes next spring.

Ketchum’s experience nonetheless exemplifies a fundamental truth about the tax bill: The gains it provides ordinary people pale in comparison to the boost it gives the super-wealthy.

Middle-class households will, on average, see a $930 increase ― or 1.6 percent boost ― in after-tax income thanks to the GOP tax cut, according to the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center.

By contrast, the top 1 percent of earners ― households making more than $730,000 ― stand to get a 3.4 percent bump, or about $51,000, the Tax Policy Center estimates.

And the TPC projects that the top 0.1 percent of earners, who make $3.4 million a year or more, are due for an extra 2.7 percent, or $193,000.


P 2 hr ago
The deplorables will spin this as MAGA and trump trump trump. Stupid.

Livenletlive 3 hr ago
Where are the TRUMP, Trump, Trump comments today?
(they saw RUMP, RUMP, RUMP, RUMP and ran away !! nth-fl)

D-User 2 hr ago
Wow, that person can now buy a new car. Isn’t that what Trump and Ryan said? With the tax cuts the middle class person can now buy that new car they wanted!

A Yahoo User 5 hr ago
Sort of funny when you consider that the plan just went into effect last week and tax revenue fell so short that the Government will run out of money and have to raise the debt limit before next Thursday. Good thing the Corporate, Pass Through and Estate Taxes are permanent.

A Yahoo User 5 hr ago
When you think about it, $1.50 is not that bad when you consider that each one of the Koch brothers only get a $720,000.00 a week Income tax cut under Trumps tax plan, EXCLUDING their Corporate Tax Cut and future Estate tax cut. See, Trump was right!! This tax cut was all for the middle class.(RUMP, RUMP, RUMP, RUMP !!! nth-fl)

Stormy pegs Dotard 5 hr ago
Wait till trump raises the national fuel tax to pay for infrastructure. Your $1.50 will disappear PDQ (Pretty Darn Quickly)

Eugene K 3 hr ago
Moreover, her measly $1.5 tax cut will expire in a couple of years. Trump's $2 billion savings in inheritance taxes is permanent.

rick 3 hr ago
What did the middle and lower classes expect from a totally Republican driven "middle class" tax cut that expires in eight years while the corporate tax cuts are forever?. The Republican Party is the party of the rich, for the rich and by the rich and always has been. Just one more way Trump and the Republicans are making America great again. Social Security and Medicare are next Trump people.

Not-radamus 5 hr ago
The GOP tax cuts were just another one of the GOP's and Trump's many lies. It was designed to benefit the donor class first and foremost. Trump may never have to pay another penny in tax because of these tax cuts, while your $1.50 a week will expire in eight years.

A Yahoo User 5 hr ago
Remember when the Republicans and Trump decided to pass this tax cut without the CBO score? They should have waited. After one week, there is not enough tax revenue to fund the government. They have to raise the debt ceiling by next Thursday. Good thing the Corporate tax cut, the pass through tax credit and the Estate tax cut are all permanent.

Emo 6 hr ago
Thanks to the Tax Cut, she can buy cough medicine once a month

MMM 6 hr ago
If I had an extra $1.50 a week in my paycheck, I could save up to buy an extra four-pack of toilet paper ... after only three weeks of work!

stuck in the middle 3 hr ago
At least Bush gave us all refunds from Clinton's surpluses! Didn't raise the deficit for future generations like tRump.

StreetLife101 4 hr ago
Honestly people, if Republicans actually cared about poor people's pay checks - don't you think they would simply vote to increase the minimum wage...?

Paul Ryan Trashed for Tweet That Suggested $1.50 Per Week Pay Hike Is a Success of Tax Bill
The Wrap Rosemary Rossi,The Wrap


Todd 2 hr ago
Wow! A secretary got a whole $1.50 a week extra thanks to the Trump Tax Boondoggle. After taxes, that probably amounts to $1.05 or so net. Why it's enough to buy a 6-ounce carton of yogurt or even a small candy bar, but not enough to ride a public city bus nowadays. Could Paul Ryan be a bigger shmuck?

Shark 2 hr ago
Koch Bros donate $500,000 to Ryan, Credit Trump Tax Cuts

bshaef 5 hr ago
Paulie (Paul Ryan) turned nothing into $500,000 when he accepted $500,000 from the Koch brothers shortly after the tax bill was enacted. Way to go Paulie, you da' man. Wisconsinites are proud of you. While another native son (JJ Watts) was raising money for hurricane victims, you were lining your pockets with contributions from Kansas billionaires who will realize billions in savings from the new tax bill That should warm the cockles of your heart.

Andrina 2 hr ago
This is a joke, right ? He is bragging about a measly $1.50/week? I think the secretary was being sarcastic, and stupid Paulie (Ryan) didn't realize it.

Paul 5 hr ago
Even with my new tax cut and extra pay, I still can't afford extra butter on my popcorn at a movie theater (providing I can afford the ticket). LOL

Lee 4 hr ago
$1.50 a week isn’t worth losing Medicare when I retire. Ryan wants retirees to die sooner so rich people can buy their kids 4 more houses

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