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Bằng chứng xuống cấp đạo đức của đảng Cộng Hòa

Roy Moore đang ra tranh cử đại biểu Thượng viện cho Alabama,
- Thằng này đã 2 lần bị mất chức Chánh Án Tòa Tối Cao Alabama
Nó lại còn bị nhiều phụ nữ tố là đã hẹn hò, dụ dỗ và tấn công tình dục gái vị thành niên

Roy Moore

Dù vậy, Trump và đảng Cộng Hòa, thay vì lên án, đã ra sức ủng hộ thằng này,
vì trò chơi quyền lực của chúng BẤT CHẤP ĐẠO ĐỨC
- cũng như Trump đã từng huyênh hoang đã tấn công tình dục phụ nữ (...),
đã bị 14 phụ nữ công khai tố cáo, nhưng vẫn được đảng Cộng Hòa tôn vinh và thắng cử TT 2016 !!!

Đây là bằng chứng xuống cấp đạo đức của đảng Cộng Hòa :

Đảng Dân Chủ xử quyết liệt hơn những đảng viên nào phạm lỗi "quấy rối tình dục" như đại biểu Thượng viện Al Franken
- ông này đã phải tự nguyện từ chức !!!

Al Franken to Resign From Senate Amid Harassment Allegations
Sheryl Gay Stolberg, Yamiche Alcindor and Nicholas Fandos
The Democratic senator of Minnesota announced his plans to resign, a day after a sixth woman accused him of misc...

Thế này mà dạy được ai ?
"nhân quyền, dân chủ" ? chỉ tài bịp dân !
bịp luôn thế giới xa gần :
dựng trò phản quốc, phá dần thế gian !


Trạng Móc

Roy Moore's claim that America was "great" during slavery ..., sparking huge backlash

Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore has sparked outrage among many on the left once again after his comments on slavery from a campaign event earlier this year resurfaced this week.

At the event, which took place when Moore was still facing fellow Republican Luther Strange for the party's nomination, an audience member asked Moore the last time America was great.

"I think it was great at the time when families were united -- even though we had slavery -- they cared for one another ... Our families were strong, our country had a direction.," Moore responded, according to the Los Angeles Times.

SEE ALSO: Democrats turn on one of their own to try to take down Moore

His reference to slavery appears to indicate that Moore believes that America was last great before the Civil War, when - as many progressives on Twitter noted, while some American families may have been intact during this era, slave families were routinely broken up and as (family) members were sold for profit.


Ken W 2 hr ago

I’m black but let’s set aside slavery for now. What was so great about that time period? Little or no indoor plumbing, terrible transportation system, poor communication access, 35 year average lifespan………….should I go on? What’s wrong with this man?

Steve 5 hr ago

Nothing matters anymore. I will not be surprised if he wins. Can you imagine what the GOP would be saying if Moore was a Dem(ocrat)? Welcome to Trump's America.

michael 6 hr ago

Whether you agree with Moore or not, by all means keep your young daughters away from him !

Georgia 5 hr ago

History has documented that landowners had "their way sexually" with their slaves. Was America great? Maybe for the landowners. Trump is only supporting Roy Moore for the Republican vote - no other reason. He uses people for his own personal agenda. People, wake up !!!

Randy 5 hr ago

hahaha, let see, Trump say "Make America great again" and then you have this clown (Moore) say "America was great during slavery" hmm, so if you take a logic class, then Trump and his rhetoric and "the code" (MAGA) he used is trying to bring back slavery or there after - because Trump and his homey (homeboy) speak the same language - and we all know Trump message was to make America great again. (MAGA = Many Are Getting Arrested = Mueller Ain't Going Away !!!) nth-fl

James 5 hr ago

IF America was "great" [economically, not morally or spiritually], it was because of the free labor from the 2 Million slaves. That's really not something to be proud of.

John 5 hr ago

Yes child labor laws were looser, father of 7 might be able to make 1 dollar a day and live to be 40. Yes the good old days, But Moore's personal favorite (are) most states (that) allowed child marriages.