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Subject: *** Tony Schwartz on Donald Trump
From: Mike Wilson
Date: Sun, July 31, 2016 8:01 am

Việc ông Donald Trump nổi lên trong chính trường Mỹ
là hậu quả tất yếu của hai đảng chia rẽ chỉ để tranh quyền
với những trò hứa hão, dối gạt, mị dân, chống nhau, bôi bẩn nhau
khiến người dân tức giận, nổi khùng, phân hóa, mất định hướng .

Cái thứ chính trị này mà đem xuất khẩu toàn cầu
thì thiên hạ đại loạn !!!


Gospel of the Ghostwriter, Tony Schwartz on Donald Trump

Tony Schwartz observations on Trump
Tony Schwartz is the man who wrote "The Art of The Deal"

which Donald Trump later claims to be his own writing.

Mr. Schwartz regrets that he helped make Trump more famous
- like putting lipstick on a pig's lips to falsely beautify it .

The following are his observations about Trump -The Real Man.


Gospel of the Ghostwriter, Tony Schwartz on Donald Trump
The man who wrote Trump's "That Art of the Deal" has come forward with his honest, yet alarming th...

1. Schwartz remarked on Trump’s inability to focus on any topic for more than a few minutes, aside from his self-aggrandizing. It is impossible for him to focus on anything for long periods of time. He said, “that short attention span has left Trump with a stunning level of superficial knowledge and plain ignorance.”

2. “I put lipstick on a pig. I feel a deep sense of remorse that I contributed to presenting Trump in a way that brought him wider attention and made him more appealing than he is. I genuinely believe that if Trump wins and gets the nuclear codes there is an excellent possibility it will lead to the end of civilization.”

3. “More than anyone else I have ever met, Trump has the ability to convince himself that whatever he is saying at any given moment is true, or sort of true, or at least ought to be true.” Trump seems pretty convinced that he wrote the book himself. Schwartz also said, “lying is second nature to him.”

4. Schwartz said he helped create a mythical view of Trump. He’s been presented as a, “charmingly brash entrepreneur with an unfailing knack for business.” In reality he has failed quite a lot. Lawsuits and scandals abound.

5. Schwartz is not troubled by Trump’s ideology because he does not believe he truly has one. He considered Trump’s personality “pathologically impulsive and self-centered.”

6. “The Art of the Deal” wasn’t Trump’s idea. The book’s editor Peter Osnos said, “It was very definitely, and almost uniquely, Si Newhouse’s idea.” Conde Nast noticed that a Trump story had strong sales and wanted to capitalize (to make profit out of it . nth-fl).

7. If Schwartz were writing “The Art of the Deal” today, he said it would be a very different book with a very different title. Asked what he would call it, he answered, “The Sociopath.”

8. Trump thinks there is no difference between good press and bad press as long as he is being talked about. Schwartz originally wrote “A Different Kind of Donald Trump Story.” In it, he portrayed Trump as “a brilliant mogul but as a ham-fisted thug who had unsuccessfully tried to evict rent-controlled and rent-stabilized tenants.” Trump still loved the story because it got people talking.

9. The reason Trump brought up “The Art of the Deal” in his Presidential announcement, was that he believes that “recent Presidents have lacked his toughness and finesse. Look at the trade deficit with China. Look at the Iran deal. I’ve made a fortune by making deals. I do that. I do that well. That’s what I do.” Being president involves many skills aside from closing a deal.

10. Schwartz recalled many occasions where Trump would wander off topic, become frustrated, and end a meeting. One time in Mar-a-Lago he threw a fit. Schwartz said, “He stood up and announced that he couldn’t stand any more questions.”

11. Schwartz decided an easier method of getting information would be to follow Trump around and listen to his phone calls and his meetings. He said that nothing seemed personal or important; everything felt like it was for show. “If he could have had three hundred thousand people listening in, he would have been even happier.” Schwartz kept a journal on Trump’s love of public attention.

12. Schwartz said, “When challenged about the facts, Trump would often double down, repeat himself, and grow belligerent.” The best recent example was when he posted a derogatory image of Hillary Clinton that contained a six-pointed star lifted (stolen) from a white-supremacist Web site. The press called him out, but (he) vehemently defended his actions.

13. Trump is motivated by money. “One of the most deep and basic needs he has is to prove that Im richer than you’.” Schwartz said he makes high priority of money, praise, and celebrity.

14. Tony Schwartz said that writing this book (The Art of the Deal) has left him with a regret he will carry for the rest of his life. To attempt to undo some of his guilt, he will be donating all 2016 proceeds to the National Immigration Law Center, Human Rights Watch, the Center for the Victims of Torture, the National Immigration Forum, and the Tahirih Justice Center. “There’s no righting it. But I like the idea that, the more copies that "The Art of the Deal" sells, the more money I can donate to the people whose rights Trump seeks to abri(dge).

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