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Ý Kiến - Trường hợp cho Trump, Trường hợp cho Hillary Clinton - Họ sẽ làm gì?

Subject: **_Chọn_bà_Clinton_hay _ông_Trump_làm_TT_Mỹ_?
From: Mike Wilson
Date: Fri, November 04, 2016 9:41 am

Vì hoàn cảnh kinh tế mở toàn cầu,
vì sự lớn mạnh của các nước đang phát triển,
vì nạn di dân nhập cư bất hợp pháp,
vì tự động hóa làm tăng nạn thất nghiệp,
vì chia rẽ chính trị khiến chính sách nội bộ hỏng hóc chao đảo,
vì cạnh tranh địa chính trị với Nga và TQ
khiến Mỹ có vẻ phải chịu nhượng bộ tại Trung Đông và Biển Đông ...

tất cả đều khiến dân Mỹ bực tức, thất vọng, muốn thay đổi bùng nổ
- dù có ra sao thì ra !!!

Ông Donald Trump đã đánh trúng các điểm yếu tâm lý trên,
để mị dân, hứa nhăng hứa cuội, đòi "làm nước Mỹ vĩ đại trở lại".

Nhưng ông không biết phải làm thế nào :
ông hoàn toàn ngu dốt mù mờ về giao thương toàn cầu,
về kinh tế quốc gia, về các vấn nạn xã hội Mỹ,
về các liên minh địa chính trị,
và về chiến lược lãnh đạo các nước đồng minh,
- chưa kể đến việc phải đối đầu với Nga, TQ và khủng bố Hồi giáo !

Cân nhắc quan trọng nhất, là :

*** Ông Trump là thằng đại bịp, ***
đã lừa tiền quỵt tiền các doanh nghiệp cộng sự,
rất giỏi cách dùng tiền của người khác,
và giỏi làm tiền ngay cả khi các doanh nghiệp cộng sự bị thua lỗ,
đã lách thuế vài chục năm nay, không đóng một xu thuế thu nhập,
sống như con dòi ký sinh trên sức lao động của xã hội,
chỉ sống bằng hào nhoáng danh vọng bề ngoài,
thô lỗ tục tằn, lưu manh, mất dạy,
không coi trọng, kỳ thị các sắc dân thiểu số và phụ nữ,
nói dối, nói bịp, nói vu khống tàn bạo không ngượng miệng ...

Tóm lại, ông Donald Trump là một thằng vô đạo, bá đạo, mà nếu nó trở thành TT Mỹ, thì nó sẽ đích thực là một thằng hôn quân vô đạo !!!

*** Riêng về bà Clinton, chỉ cần vắn tắt như vầy :

Bà có rất nhiều kinh nghiệm chính trị kể từ khi giúp chồng xây dựng sự nghiệp chính trị, rồi sau đó tự vạch hướng đi cho mình để tiến tới mục đích thành nữ TT Mỹ đầu tiên trong lịch sử .

Con đường của bà, dĩ nhiên, đầy chông gai do bị các địch thủ đảng Cộng Hòa đánh phá liên tục .

Nhưng tất cả mọi cuộc điều tra dai dẳng về bà với mục đích chính trị là bôi xấu và hạ gục bà, đều không mang lại chứng cớ .

Chưa có ai bị điều tra nhiều, dai dẳng và vô hiệu quả như vậy - vì chưa có ai leo cao từ con số ZERO như bà và chồng bà - và vì bản chất chia rẽ tranh quyền của chính trị Mỹ bắt buộc mọi sự phải diễn tiến như vậy !

Tất cả mọi thông tin để bêu xấu bà Clinton đều vô căn cứ, không chứng cớ, lặt vặt tiểu nhân, và vô giá trị !

Một bộ óc tham mưu chiến lược, giúp chồng là ông Bill Clinton lên làm Thống Đốc Arkansas 2 lần, làm TT Mỹ 2 nhiệm kỳ, bà tự phấn đấu làm Thượng Nghị Sĩ bang New York, làm Ngoại Trưởng Mỹ đại diện Mỹ trước các lãnh đạo thế giới, và lại còn được vinh danh 20 lần - là "Người Phụ Nữ Được Khâm Phục Nhất Thế Giới"!

TT Obama đã tuyên bố, "Không ai trong cõi đời hiện tại của chúng ta có đủ phẩm chất, năng lực và kinh nghiệm bằng bà Clinton để bước vào Phòng Bầu Dục của Tòa Nhà Trắng (và ngồi lên ghế TT Mỹ !)"

President Barack Obama has said, "no one in our lifetimes has been more qualified to enter the Oval Office."


Hillary Clinton is smart, capable, tough and uniquely empathetic to an entire half of the population that has never been represented at government’s highest level: women.

She is a moderate Democrat who has pledged to pursue progressive goals: reverse Reagan-legacy tax cuts that unfairly benefit the wealthy, repair the nation’s crumbling infrastructure, address climate change, invest in education, protect women’s right to choose, seek sensible gun safety measures, retain and improve Obamacare, and pursue criminal justice and immigration reform. All while maintaining a strong, hopefully not too hawkish, defense. She would nominate U.S. Supreme Court justices who would move us away from horrendous decisions such as Citizens United.

COMMENTARY: The Case for Donald Trump
To be sure, she has her shortcomings. She is overly secretive and does a poor job of explaining herself when she gets into trouble. Her ties with the Clinton Foundation, which solicits donations from foreign governments, are an obvious conflict of interest that must be resolved. Her fees for big-money speeches on Wall Street raise questions about her ability to police the financial markets.
But most of the criticism hurled at Clinton is either exaggerated or outright false. It’s hard to think of another public figure who has absorbed so much vitriol over so long a time – certainly not while also being voted “Most Admired Woman in the World” 20 times. We’ve heard it all about Hillary Clinton, going all the way back to Whitewater. And most of it (political attacks on her) is bunk (poor quality, not good, worthless).

+Editorial: The case for Hillary Clinton photo

Hillary Clinton speaks at an early voting rally at the Elisabeth W. Erling Gymnasium at Palm Beach State College in Lake ... Read More

Benghazi? Multiple Congressional investigations have tried to pin the blame for the four American deaths on her performance as Secretary of State, and none has succeeded. The emails on a private server? An admitted mistake, but despite FBI Director James Comey’s recent cryptic words, the agency has yet to find sufficient evidence to charge anyone with a crime for mishandling classified materials. Also, let’s remember: she was neither the first Secretary of State to hold office while our embassies suffered fatal attacks, nor the first to use a private email server. But she has been the only one investigated for it, seemingly without end.
This election has gone on for so long and so negatively, that many Americans are disgusted with both choices. But Hillary Clinton is not merely the lesser of two evils. She is a solid choice for commander-in-chief on her merits.
As a senator, she upended expectations by making relationships across the aisle, even with lawmakers who had bedeviled her husband during his presidency. As secretary of state, she relentlessly traveled the world, repairing relationships battered during the Bush-Cheney years. As President Barack Obama has said, no one in our lifetimes has been more qualified to enter the Oval Office.
There is, as well, this reason to support her: Voters need to speak loudly, clearly and in overwhelming numbers to repudiate the divisive, demagogic, barrel-scraping campaign waged by Donald J. Trump.
Trump has tapped into the genuine worries and, yes, anger of millions of Americans who feel left behind amid the profound demographic and economic changes that are reshaping this nation. It is imperative that Clinton – that all Democrats and Republicans, for that matter – find ways to connect with these millions if this nation stands a chance at unity.
It is tragic that the aspirations of these disaffected millions have been tied to the campaign of a candidate whose idea of governing clashes disturbingly with basic tenets of American democracy. Never before has a major candidate (like Donald Trump) said he would prosecute and jail his opponent, curb newspapers’ First Amendment freedoms or leave the election’s outcome in doubt.
This election is about our future. And Hillary Clinton, should she win the victory that the polls predict, will have the unenviable task of presiding over a bitterly divided nation, deeply suspicious of our institutions of government, finance and media. It will take a special range of talents to successfully guide this nation forward. However unpopular she has been whenever campaigning for office, Clinton has consistently polled strongly when actually doing the job — from first lady through secretary of state.
Clinton’s proven resilience under severe pressure, her inclination to forge small gains despite fierce resistance, her ability to listen to alternate points of view, her lifelong commitment to bettering other people’s lives — these are qualities of leadership that America will sorely need over the next four years.


It is easy to understand why Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump appeals to so many Americans.

He is tapping into a generalized American frustration and anger at the status quo. A great number of voters believe that our national government is unresponsive to their needs and problems.
Middle-class voters see the government providing subsidies for lower-income people. They see the same governmental authorities providing services and tax incentives for the wealthy. They see nothing for themselves but rising costs. Born out of frustration, these voters are demanding disruption, not slow progressive change.

EDITORIAL: The Case for Hillary Clinton
Trump is speaking to these neglected communities. He eschews political correctness. He is direct. His speech mirrors the language of the streets. He is “one of us.” He is not part of the political establishment.

+Commentary: The case for Donald Trump photo

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a campaign stop at the Jacksonville Equestrian Center in Jacksonville on Nov. 3. (AP ... Read More
He states many ideas that Americans believe but are reluctant to state publicly because of political conformity. He appears to be giving voice to the silent majority.

Our soft diplomacy has resulted in rebuffs from Russian President Vladimir Putin, from Chinese leaders and from Middle East allies. Israel – the Middle East’s sole democracy – is marginalized by our current president, Barack Obama. The media regularly airs foreign slights and disdain. Trump capitalizes on these perceived weaknesses and magnifies them. The media then publicizes his exaggerations. And his comments become reinforced. Thus his appeal grows.

By projecting an image of strength, Trump airs the belief that he can cope with foreign leaders more forcefully than the Democrats. People want to believe that Trump’s force of personality alone can right the perception that America is weak. As a negotiator, by projecting an image of strength, he wants to set the stage for future confrontations with foreign leaders. The public likes that position.

When Trump says that NATO is obsolete and that allies “need to pick up their share” and contribute a greater portion of expenses, he is viewed as correct – and people understand this. When he states that only five of NATO’s 28 members contribute 2 per cent of their GNP on defense, he strikes a chord of immediate sympathy and understanding with many American voters.
Trump is more intelligent than he is given credit for. He knows full well that he cannot deport millions of immigrants and that Mexico will not pay for a wall. He knows that his proposals will be reined in by the U.S. Congress, but that does not stop him from espousing these ideas because they resonate with an increasingly frustrated American electorate.
Many voters believe that our trade and tariff arrangements, such as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), have had a negative effect on jobs. They may see it with their neighbors. They may feel it with their own wages. They viscerally understand that our country’s $19 trillion in debt is too high.

They believe that our country is allowing too many undocumented individuals to cross our borders. They believe that our borders are too porous, and that our perceived open-door immigration policy is wrong. The fact that the United States was built by successive waves of immigrants is forgotten.
Trump has captured beautifully the distorted mistrust of a large portion of the electorate. The details are unimportant to a large mass of voters. Their interest is to elect a strong “say-it-as-it-is” gunslinger who will make America great again.

Simplicity, political incorrectness, strength and directness are what many voters see in Trump and want in the next President of the United States.
They are willing to disregard Trump’s vulgarity, racism, sexism, vindictiveness and lack of self-discipline (and most of all, deceitfulness ! nth-fl) when compared to the continuing dishonesty of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, former President Bill Clinton and the Clinton Foundation.

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